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Memorial Day DIY Project: Clean Your Office Space

Clean Your Office Space

Let's clean your office space! When it comes to cleaning your office space over Memorial Day, this simple DIY commercial cleaning project can leave your home with amazing benefits that you probably have never thought about.

Benefits to Cleaning Your Office Space

We've listed the top benefits to cleaning your office space, and they include:

  • A clean workplace is more than just aesthetically pleasing - it has a very real effect on employee health, reducing the spread of illnesses and keeping everyone feeling their best.
  • Cleanliness can make all the difference, especially when it comes to our indoor air quality. Through regular dusting and vacuuming, allergens and other pollutants caught in carpets or on surfaces are eliminated for a healthier atmosphere within your home!
  • A neat and tidy office can be the secret to success in achieving higher productivity! Clear out any unnecessary clutter and eliminate sources of distraction, and you'll create an efficient work environment that will help maximize your effectiveness.
  • A well-kept office radiates a powerful message of professionalism and reliability to those who come across it, creating an impression that goes far beyond the traditional corporate space.
  • Regularly maintaining your furniture, carpets, and equipment can be an easy way to maximize the lifespan of these items. By simply taking a few minutes each week for cleaning, you can help keep dirt and grime away that cause premature wear and tear!
  • A tidy workspace can do more than just enhance a business's aesthetic; it can also make employees feel less stressed and better equipped to tackle job-related tasks. By creating an orderly environment, companies not only boost productivity but also cultivate a positive attitude among their staff.

Ok, so now you know the benefits of cleaning your office space, it's time to actually get to work!

Cleaning Your Office Space

How to Clean Your Office Space

Don't over think this! DIY projects like cleaning your office space can be a simple and straightforward process. But first things first, let's gather the commercial cleaning materials and commercial cleaning tools needed to get this project completed correctly. Below, find the materials needed to easily clean your office space.

Commercial Cleaning Materials Needed

  • Cleaning solutions
  • Cleaning cloths
  • Mop and bucket
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Broom and dustpan
  • Trash bags
  • Gloves and other protective gear

You can also check out this list of commercial cleaner tools to make sure you have everything you need.

Now that you have the commercial cleaning materials and tools, let's move to the fun part- actually cleaning your office space. Follow the simple commercial cleaning steps below and you'll be finished in no time.

Commercial Cleaning

Steps to Cleaning Your Office Space

Keep in mind that these steps to clean your office space may vary depending on the size of your project. Ready? Ok, let's do this!

  • Start your decluttering journey by tidying up your workspace—clear off the desk surface and put any stray items in their rightful place. Then organize all of those pesky papers that always seem to accumulate—make sure everything has its place!
  • Keep your living space looking its best by banishing unsightly dust! A microfiber cloth or a duster can help make short work of any dusty surfaces, including desks, shelves, and other furniture.
  • Keep your tech sparkling and dust-free! Make sure to use a specially formulated cleaning solution for gadgets like laptops, keyboards, tablets, and more.
  • Keep floors spotless with thorough vacuuming and sweeping, paying close attention to even the hard-to-reach corners! Get rid of dust and debris for an immaculate finish.
  • Get those hard floors shining again! Make sure to use the right cleaning solution, grab a mop and bucket, and clean away. Have your home gleaming in no time with sparkling flooring—it's just that easy!
  • Keep your environment clean and germ-free! Use a disinfectant solution to thoroughly sanitize surfaces that are frequently touched, like doorknobs and switches, as well as shared equipment.
  • Get a streak-free shine on your windows and mirrors with an easy two-step process. Spray glass cleaner onto the surface, then use a microfiber cloth to buff it off and leave them sparkling!
  • Clear away the clutter and do your part for Mother Nature! Collect all recyclable materials you have laying around, as well as any other trash that needs to be disposed of, and put them in their respective bins. Doing this simple task will help keep our environment green and healthy.
  • Keep your office stocked and ready to go! Organize pens, paper, and other essentials in an easy-to-reach spot so that you'll be prepared for any project or task thrown at you.
  • Keep restrooms fresh and clean by regularly disinfecting toilets, basins, and other surfaces. Make sure everyone can feel comfortable in a sparklingly sanitary environment!


This amazing commercial cleaning DIY project of cleaning your office space checks both boxes of being very rewarding and a DIY project that can be completed over Memorial Day weekend. As long as you have the commercial cleaning supplies you need and follow the steps above, your finish this project successfully.

You got this! And if anything, you can always hire a commercial cleaner if the commercial cleaning project becomes too overwhelming.

Need another quick DIY project? Check out this popular DIY commercial cleaning project when you are ready!

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